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All mathematicians were selected as contemporaries of MGA in the 18th century.
May 16, 1718  MGA born in Milan, Italy. 
She was the eldest child of Don Pietro Agnesi Mariana and Anna Fortunato Brivio.
1727 At the age of 9, translated from Italian into Latin a long article advocating advanced education for ladies.
1738 (39?) Propositiones philosophicae published.
1748 Instituzioni Analitiche ad Uso della Gioventù Italiana published. 
First surviving mathematics publication written by a woman.
1749 Appointed honorary lecturer at the University of Bologna by Pope Benedict XIV.
1750 Asserts in a letter to Paolo Frisi that she cannot evaluate one of her brother's works on celestial physics.  She wrote Spanish was a language that was "foreign to me."
1752 Death of her father.
1759 Posthumous publication of the French translation of Newton's Principia, by Emilie de Breteuil, Marquise du Châtelet (1706 - 1749).
Aug. 30, 1775 Traités élémentaires de calcul différentiel et de calcul intégral, tr. de l'ital., avec des additions.
Instituzioni translated into French under the auspics of the 'l 'Académie Royale des Sciences.
Jan. 9, 1799 Death at the Pio Albergo Trivulzio in Milan.
This charitable hospice founded by the Blue Nuns is famous throughout Italy.